I hate when people casually ask me How are you?....I always lie and give one of the expected answers..I'm fine...Doing good...Great..Good...OK...Alright...etc.. etc.. the list goes on you get the picture. I wish every time someone asked me How are you I could just give an honest answer.......
You ask how are you but you don't really care
You want a light fluffy answer like the clouds in the air
What would you say if I said (insert your name) I'm scared
Scared of the future and scared of right now
Scared I'm making mistakes and i don't know how
Scared cause I feel and can't always explain it
Scared of a new relationship because I know there will be pain in it
Scared that I'll never be good enough for me
Scared I'll never reach the potential others see
Scared that I'll never experience love
Scared my actions will leave me below and not above
Scared that He won't say my servant well done
Scared that when He says "Be Still" I'll involuntarily run
Scared that my degree won't jump start my career
Scared that I'll be afraid to try bounded by fear
Scared that fear of failure will keep me from success
Scared I'm not good enough not even my best
Scared of the saying "everything good must come to an end"
Scared of the end before we begin
Scared I'll get what I want but it won't be what I need
Scared I won't find my version of the American dream
Scared that when you ask How are you I'll never be able to answer honestly
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