Thursday, November 13, 2008


Sometimes right isn't a direction but rather a rejection of wrong
Sometimes the ability to be weak is better than being strong
Sometimes the fear of losing is all you need to win
Sometimes I don't need air or water but I'll die without the pen
Sometimes I feel like an outcast trapped inside this cast called a body
Sometimes I find a peaceful solitude surrounded by everybody
Sometimes it rains but the sky stays blue
Sometimes a little polish can make whats old feel new
Sometimes with open eyes the vision is clouded but with closed eyes my vision becomes clear
Sometimes you become the head by taking pride in being the rear
Sometimes my mood changes with the weather
Sometimes i let it all go floating on nothingness like a feather
Sometimes I fail the quiz but I past the test
Sometimes 2 answers are technically correct the trick is choosing the best
Sometimes life seems short but there's always time for change
Sometimes I cry when I'm happy other times I smile through the pain
Sometimes for the sake of peace when its not my fault i accept the blame

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